01your data

We take data protection seriously and are fully GDPR compliant. Your data will be stored on a secure, cloud hosted database so you can rest assured it’s in a safe place. We’ll need to store things like your CV and contact details etc. as these help us understand your skills and to get in touch to let you know about suitable opportunities. It is a legal requirement for us to check your eligibility to work in the UK so we may ask to see a copy of your Passport or Visa, but once verified it will be deleted. You are free to access your data at anytime and if you’d like it removed, then let us know and we’ll do that right away. We will never pass on your data to a client or 3rd party without your permission.

Feel free to read our full Privacy Notice.

02getting to know you

We’ll start by getting to know you, your work history, preferences and your ambitions so we can find you that perfect role. We will always give you a detailed explanation of the opportunity, the company, the culture and the package on offer. If you’re interested in applying for the position, we’ll send you the full job spec and ask for your written permission for representation for that specific position and client. That way, you have a record of where your CV has been sent and all the job details.

We will never send your CV without your permission.

03preparation is key

As they say “Preparation is the key to success!” and that couldn’t be more true before your interview. We’ve got you covered from the interview format, research on the company, interviewer and role, helping you prepare some questions to ask and even what to wear. You’ll have all these details in a comprehensive confirmation email so you’ve got it to hand for your research and on the big day. We’ll give you a call a few hours before to wish you luck and make sure you’re running on time. Whilst we always recommend being punctual we understand sometimes things happen with the bus/tube and if the worst does happen then you can call us and we’ll lean on our relationship with the client to explain so they are accommodating. First impressions count so we’ll do all we can to make sure you’re at your best!

04giving you feedback

We will do our best to provide you with useful feedback throughout the recruitment process as we believe this will improve your chances of progression. It’s always a two way feedback loop and we are keen to hear your thoughts on the client, the culture and package and if there are any concerns we’ll do all we can to clear them up. If you are not selected to progress, then we will seek constructive feedback so you stand a better chance in your next interview. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for us to provide feedback but we always try to inform clients of the importance of feedback before we begin the recruitment process, to give us the best chance of receiving it.

05the chosen one

Once the final interviews are concluded well be keeping our fingers crossed that you are the “chosen one” but equally that you choose them too! When the offer comes in, we’ll work with you to negotiate a package that will create smiles all round. We’ll work with you to manage your smooth resignation, so we can set your start date and wish everyone a warm congratulations! We’ll let you know the details for your big first day and keep in touch once you’ve started to make sure you are settling in well with your new work family!

06your contract

If you are a contractor, you’ll be pleased to know that our contracts are fully IR35 compliant, so you’ll have total peace of mind. If you ever have any queries about the contract, then please get in touch and we’ll do all we can to help – hello@pixelatedpeople.co.uk

07timesheets & payment

We want to make things as easy as possible so you can focus on your work. You can sign your contract and complete timesheets via an electronic portal and/or handy mobile app. With the mobile app, you’ll have the convenience of being able to submit your timesheet from anywhere, and the portal will automatically send you a reminder 24 hours before the submission deadline so you never miss it. If your timesheet is approved by 12pm on the Tuesday indicated, your money will land in your account on Friday of that week. Simple. In the unlikely event that there is an issue, we’ll always be on hand to help as your payment is our priority.
