Checking in with Bukky

Bukky is the latest addition to the Pixelated People team and he’s already making waves. We sat down with him to get the scoop on how he’s settling in, his background, and some fun tidbits. Check out our chat below:

Hi Bukky, It’s been a good couple of months since you joined the team. Tell us, how has it been settling in to the Pixelated People life?

It’s been a great start! I felt incredibly welcomed by the team. I remember my first day well. Arriving at 100 Bishopsgate, getting a lift all the way to the 18th floor, and being greeted by spectacular views of London city. I thought to myself, “I have truly arrived!” Being issued the obligatory Pixelated People T-Shirt during onboarding was the cherry on top!

I dove straight into our markets, Design & Mobile (straight into the deep end, of course!), familiarizing myself with the candidates and clients we work with. After a certain period of time, the decision to specialize in Mobile & Tech became clear to me (imagine the moon covering the sun, creating a brief but complete solar eclipse). As the light emerged, I felt reborn, reemerging as a Mobile Engineering Recruiter and I haven’t looked back since.

So, you’ve had some recruitment experience before. We’re curious to know, how does it compare to your time here at Pixelated People? And of course, we can’t forget about your biggest learning so far. Spill the beans!

Indeed, I previously worked for a large agency, Phaidon International, on the EPM team. I was working in the Medical Communications market within the Life Sciences. I learned so much there (the training was unbelievable, as were the people). The environment was totally different from Pixelated People. I’ve literally gone from hundreds of consultants on a sales floor to happily being sandwiched by Paul and Stuart – turns out that’s not a bad place to be! I’m learning so much from them. Hopefully, their wise and measured ways will rub off on me!

I enjoyed my previous role, however now I’m speaking with clients and candidates who are at the cutting edge of everyday technology. As a result, the products are much closer to home, and it’s brilliant to develop business within areas that I find interesting. So for me, fitness, music, and tech for good are key markets I’d like to pursue.

I think my biggest learning so far has been in client relationship development. Being around Paul and Stuart, you know you are around the best, so you naturally model the parts of their approach that you admire – which largely consists of them being themselves, genuinely caring about people, and knowing their markets to the point of unrivaled delivery. It’s encouraging to know that you can build your brand and business by being yourself and picking up useful recruiting tips along the way.

Have you encountered any noteworthy milestones or faced any exciting challenges so far?

Milestone-wise I had a final interview recently which looks like it is going to result in an offer, so I am very excited about that! It has been a combination of work from Paul and me so it’s nice to know we are collaborating well. Fingers crossed it lands!

The market has been a challenge in general – I’ve spoken to many engineers who have reported the same, and clients are naturally being cautious with new hires because the economy and tech sector is experiencing a period of uncertainty. This means you have to work that bit harder in every facet of the job. But hard times make strong people and the market is so fascinating to me that the challenge is a pleasure to take on!

Now, for a more fun question, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Oo I do love a fun question! In my spare time I go a bit mad on the fitness. I’m taking up Brazilian jiu jitsu classes again (full disclosure – I am still a white belt!!) and aim to compete in a few months! I like to nip off to lift weights at lunch or grab a sauna/cold shower and I’ve started cycling to and from work. Other than that I like to DJ on the weekends. You’ll always hear me on the phone to candidates explaining my weekend plans: “Recruiter by day, DJ by night… You know, kind of like Batman but different”.

You said in your bio, you like delicious meals, I mean who doesn’t!? Tell us, what’s been your recent most memorable meal?

Besides all the other perks, the one above all has been the tasty meals I’ve had, courtesy of Paul and Stuart (under the guidance of our resident expert food blogger, Mr. Stuart Lo!). Just before I started, they took us out to Smokestak, which had the coolest vibe and served the tastiest BBQ meats in Shoreditch. Amidst the pumping techno, dark slick decor, and great conversation, I knew I had come to the right company!