This time last year….

Us and 50 in the Gym!

This time last year, we weren’t unhappy with what we had, but we were looking for a more meaningful challenge in our lives.

This time last year, we were confined to the office every day.

Now we are embracing the benefits of home working, giving us the work life balance we craved.

This time last year the only colour palette we could make sense of was at B&Q.

Now we are proud to have designed a website and a brand ourselves.

This time last year we were unknown.

Now we have an engaged client and candidate base that is growing all the time.

This time last year, we didn’t have an office to call our own.

Now we’re working alongside likeminded start-ups with people that inspire us every day.

This time last year, one of our goals was to travel in Europe whilst working from our laptops. Now we are booking flights.

This time last year, we hadn’t randomly met 50 Cent in the gym and shared some life stories (his were way more interesting than ours).

Now he’s taught us that “success comes from doing what you believe in”

This time last year, we were just 2 guys with a vision.

Now we are proud to have a company of our own.

A lot of these positive outcomes weren’t planned at the beginning of our journey. They just evolved, naturally, as we worked hard to make a positive impact to other peoples’ lives. In light of this, we discovered that when we have the right intentions in business, everything else seems to fall into place.

For the record we’re not trying to brag but instead highlight how potent a year can be. On Jan 15th 2018 we created our digital recruitment agency Pixelated People. Before this we learnt our craft working for a large company for a very long time. Now we work for ourselves, helping people in tech achieve their goals, whilst fulfilling our ambitions and we are happier & more motivated for it!

A new year is a time of reflection and a time to take positive action in our lives. We’ve found that making a significant, work/life balance change has proved to be the most rewarding thing we’ve ever done.

So what’s your plan for 2019? What are you going to do to achieve your aspirations? You might amaze yourself with what can happen in a year and we’d love to help.Send us your CV and tell us your plans? –

We hope 2019 brings more of the same please ????

What will 2019 bring for you?